The Last Song


So, in the last few hours of blogging, my phone keeps going off from everyone posting stuff on the biochem fb page. Of course, we bunch of procrastinators lol. Anyway, for this last post i wanted to do two things. One, talk about my experience repeating this course, and two give meaning to some of the words which we are required to know for exams.

Im gonna be backward, and start with number 2 lol:


Cell – basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. 

Carbohydrate – an organic compound which consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Protein – large biological molecules which are comprised of many amino acid chains.

Enzymes – biological catalysts responsible for the thousands of chemical reactions which sustain life.

Mutarotation – change in the optical rotation that occurs by epimerization.

Zwitterion – neutral molecule, with positive and negative charge at different spots within the molecule.

Denaturation – a process in which proteins (or nucleic acids) lose the tertiary and secondary structure which is present in their native state, by application of some external stress, compound or heat.

Peptide bond – a covalent chemical bond which is formed between two molecules when the carboxyl group of one molecule reacts with the amino group of the other molecule, causing water to be released.

Hemiacetal – compound derived from aldehydes.

Hemiketal – compound derived from ketones.


lol na, this course was better than it was last year! thumbs up !!!!!

I do expect to pass this year (LOL) na but seriously though. At first i wasn’t too pleased about the whole blog thing, but doing those multiple choice questions and vid reviews and stuff, you find that one day you actually know this stuff! So, this method really helped me out, no one can come ’round me about anything with factors affecting alpha-helices! (except Mr. Matthew, most likely :/ ) But my point is, the entire course, though very demanding, does help to make us remember things. 

And i do hope, that i would do well in the final exam, as i wish the same for all the other biochemians out there. It ain’t easy. 

But, all is well that ends well.


Chloe ❤ 

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